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By this time,toms outlet, his head still a little sore, you can imagine how much alcohol yesterday to improve irrigation, but the thought of the morning around Ann Le smile when Pharaoh also not conscious laugh out, this was a lawyer uncle to see how the wind blows clear, present a clean-up voice : well, sir, it looks like you...... good mood. Wang Bo looked glance, eyes eleven sweep, who eventually landed seven. Two people said that nothing happened, but that it is too deep an impression. Plus this morning Pharaoh again misunderstood, then it is not conscious, then, three other uncle on Pharaoh 's eyes look down to the paint.

Lawyers present a positive and clothing, and then again walked out of a familiar document, submitted to the Pharaoh 's desk : Sir, this is your task toms on sale give immediate permission drafted. Previously a mission to kill the emperor, in this map has been completed, but because there is no time limit, so this task can also extend unlimited, but it does not mean there will not be the next time the task is not absolutely complete, Besides, now 4 bit family also seems to accelerate the pace of this authority, after all, there is competition, the pressure is also big.

That is not willing to Pharaoh. Election Skynet 's most influential 100 people ! This is another side of Skynet offline activities, what week with a star, the star the same month, according to the popular vote to be judged, the difference is that the 100 most influential people of the height is not comparable with that star. The so-called star players just Skynet Week for the week of active players based on extracting and posts the official vote, but may be this is against Skynet billions of customers. Soon, Wang Bo enter the five characters, in the event of the page to search his head, complete collection of the game 's virtual, is a kid, wearing masks, following a vote of data, 277,734, so Pharaoh at once academics like rise, verbal asked : toms sale, no mistake.

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